Dont' rain on my parade.~
Friday, October 23, 2009,2:43 AM

MAN!. I totally forgotten how hard it is to do code thingys.!
damn hard. very very hard. I already gave up doing those fancy things!
darn complicated blog html thingys. wasted like 2 hours of my computer time. in the end, no end product. AHH WEELLLL..
Today has been an interesting day,
` i.. arm/body wrestled with christopher & scott. (i won scott btw, xD) woo i rocked. xD
You must be thinking, man, how barbaric can this women get?! well. thats me.
` had the worst and best chemistry test ever.! Man.. The teacher is a lil'bit silly. You all riamers know who. O.O Welll... What happened was, we all were studying for the chemistry test like good kids. Then all the teacher did was, sit & tell us to take out a piece of paper & that it is only one ESSAY question. where her form of essay question is literally WRITE an essay about something. wtf. anywayy.. that is not all! THE WHOLE CLASS was doing an open book test. all with books open right in front of her eyes! & she didnt say anything. only to.... poor oscar.. kesiann..
"OSCAR, you now getting zero marks yaa, why do you have a book open in front of you?? This is a TEST, & you're not taking this seriously uhh?""
** everyone slams books dicretely.