Monday, October 26, 2009,7:08 AM
yawns. I is needing to blog today. no make that everyday. x)
Today was a nutty day DOWN DOWN DOWN with the books. T.T. Its like kinda sad to stuck your head in the books whole day long. BUT its unavoidable for me already. My studies is wayy too terrible. x(
like michelle said in class "..ITS 3 MORE WEEKS TILL THE HOLIDAYS!.."
my goodness, its a bit too early laa. haha. Man, i'm like practically screaming one more more weekk.." till dooms day.
I really miss those days when i can just popnteng class & not feeling scared of getting left behind in classworks.. I know it sounds nerdy but, MYOHMY, how i really need this semester exams to be good. please. please.
now shall lift mood up with the pic of my GUITAR. x)) && my rabbit. (psst. my rabbit is not dead. the lighting made it look ugly) haha
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