Friday, October 30, 2009,6:40 AM
Ngeh. I don't feel well, why couldnt i get sick on a school day?! So i can miss schooll.... Haiyaa.. What is the world doing to me?! Sniff sniff.. I feel like my head is under water of mucus. Soooo uncomfortable. I don't think this weekend wud be a productive one. aww.. That sucks! to the max! I wanted to study study study.. but at my state right now. its like impossible.
I want to say. "I QUIT" to everything. Just everything. I know this is a very bad thing for someone like me to say. When i know that there are alot of other people that is in alot more of a dump than me. But come on.. Right now, all i do is study.. either that thinking about how i don study much. @.@ Its really the brew of depression.. Now i'm caught with the flu. How bad can it get?!
conclusion. I'm puffed. & i'm sick. Don't kickstart me.
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