Dont' rain on my parade.~
Sunday, January 24, 2010,5:41 AM

My heart won over my head. It was a fearsome battle but the winner has took its place. My heart won over my head. My head that is full of reasons and thoughts won over my heart that is full of fantasy and dreams.
Maybe it was the look in your eyes that made my heart melt, I don know.. all i know is my heart freaggin' won.... and now i'm happy. happiest i can ever be... no complications or bad thinkings. Just plain following the heart. my heart.
Human minds are interesting things to analyse. how they think, how they respond. Sometimes its just so predictable. but at times its so jaw dropping there are no words to describe it. that is how complicated human minds are. There are just too many nerves in the brain to control everything. So the best way, is to relaxxx the brain more often. but that is impossible for me. LOL. I have too much going on in there..
I watched one random spongebob episode once, it was like squidward wanted to make spongebo the ideal waiter, so he asks him to blank out his mind and only think of waitering. and so he did, all the mini spongebob in his head running around destoying everything in his mind except waitering. Its was so cute! but then, when squidward asked for his name.
"do-ohh, whats my name?!??!??!??!?! *minispongebobs* AHHHH! WE DESTROYED HIS NAME!! AHHHHHH!!".