Friday, January 29, 2010,1:33 AM
Friday 29/02
Its been a long day today. and its not over yet. Soon to be over yes, but not yet. xD
Anyway, what happened today. Well, My school is having its annual Sports Day. Today we had the rehearsal for the opening ceremony. WHICH WAS UTTER TORTURE for the march passers. like WOW. Can't believe the sun could be sooo SCORCHING at the field. It was beating down on us like nobody's business you know.

Like that. okay that is over exagerating. but STILL. @.@
It was that bad. But i'm alive to tell the tale, so thats good right? oh wait. tomorrow have to do the REAL thing including the time standing there while the speeches are on. DAMN! nuuu~~Oh. The fact that i'm complaing about the sun is because, i'm a marcher in the "prefect" group. AND standing in front as i'm short. WHICH SUCKS TO THE MAX!.hehe At least i'm still alive. So i'm happy. And i lost weight due the tranining. WHOOTS! HURRAY! :))
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